Planning Commission
Liz Mashie
Appointed 03/01/2024
Term Expires 03/01/2027
Loren Shackelford
Appointed 09/12/2023
Term Expires 03/01/2028
James Gardner
Appointed 03/01/2024
Expires 03/01/2027
Scott Stokenbury
Appointment 06/14/2022
Term Expires 03/01/2028
​Matt Dickhut
Appointed January 14, 2025
Term Expires 03/01/2028
Marci McClamroch
Appointed February 11, 2025
Term Expires 03/01/2027
Greg Langham
Appointed February 11, 2025
Term Expires 03/01/2028
All Planning Commission meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm. If there is a Board of Zoning Adjustment meeting it will be the same day prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Please check Facebook for all changes and special meetings.
Building Department
Building Official
JD Demotte
(479) 530-9153
*All inspections should be done via text
with at least 24 hours notice*
Zoning Official & Permit Coordinator
Before building permits are issued, final building plans must be turned in to City Hall for the Building Official to review.
Please allow 5-7 business days for these plan reviews.
Building Permits must be filled out completely and submitted via our online portal. Instructions and guidelines can be found HERE. Please call the Permitting Coordinator for any permit related questions.
Building Permit fees must be paid prior to any construction at Goshen City Hall, 124 Church St., during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or through our online portal via email.
Also, subcontractor permits must be emailed to the Permit Coordinator at
llawson@cityofgoshenar.net. These forms are in .pdf format and require Acrobat Reader© to open
(available FREE at http://get.adobe.com/reader).
These maps are in .pdf format and require Acrobat Reader© to open (available FREE at http://get.adobe.com/reader).